English informations
Idegen nyelvű
Be glad it's a girl!
Be glad it's a girl!
Be glad it's a girl!
Megjelenés: egyszeri (könyv)
Janikovszky Éva: Be glad it's a girl! (2023)
ISBN: 9789631188325
Some things you feel before they happen. Especially when you¹re expecting a baby. I wasn¹t interested in what it would be, because I knew that it could only be a boy. But when I heard that I really truly was a mummy, and I had a baby girl, it never entered my head that I¹d been expecting a boy, I was just so happy that it was born at last and healthy and when she cried out I knew that only she could be our child, and no-one else. How could it have been a boy when it was a girl?
3 149 HUF
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